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House survey Skåne

in Skåne

House inspection in Skåne for you who are planning to buy a house or for you who are going to sell your house.

C.A.C. inspects villas, houses, apartments and holiday homes.

Always performed by a SBR-approved building engineer for your safety.

Read below for information on house inspection.
You are also welcome to take part in some advice before a house purchase and download my checklist for the next viewing. Feel free to have a look at the knowledge bank.

Svenska Byggingenjörers Riksförbund

Swedish building engineers’ association

Överlåtelsebesiktning Malmö

Carl Andersson

By SBR approved inspector

Please note that this is a translated webpage. It is always the text on the Swedish webpage that applies. Note also that all agreements and statements of this service will be written in Swedish for legal reasons. Translation is not under C.A.C:s responsibility. Best regards Carl.

SBR-approved house inspector with full liability insurance

Thorough and safe inspection of the house

Easy to read inspection statement the day after

SBR-approved house inspector with full liability insurance

Thorough and safe inspection of the house

Easy to read inspection statement the day after

Book your inspection today for a safer house purchase

Book your inspection today
for a safer house purchase

Fill in the form below or e-mail me on:


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Do you intend to buy or sell a house?


Buying a home may be one of the biggest economic events of your life. If you don’t have a deeper knowledge of houses, it may be well worth hiring an independent house inspector to do an inspection. By hiring a trained, tested and SBR-affiliated inspector you as the buyer also fulfill parts of your obligated* inspection duty by law. Note that there is no law in Sweden that forces you to buy an inspection, but as it creates great security for both the buyer and the seller, most people choose to buy a house inspection.

You as a seller of a house also benefit greatly from a house inspection. As a seller, you are responsible for hidden defects 10 years after the sale, but if you choose to inspect with an SBR-affiliated inspector, you can buy a hidden fault insurance through SBR who covers this partly.

Doing a thorough inspection of the building before a sale is a security both for you who sell and for you who buy. Faults that are discovered after the house have been transfered can cause long-term consequences for both parties and can be costly. A house inspection can be ordered by either you who are going to buy a house or by you who are going to sell a house.

* Jordabalken kap 4 §19

Book your survey today for a safer house purchase

Book your surevey today
for a safer house purchase

Fill in the form below or e-mail me for booking and good advice
before your house purchase


Safe house purchase with approved SBR inspector

Free cancellation and rebooking up to 48 hours before

Inspection statement the day after

Customer statements

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Daniel Karlsson

”We hire CAC and have been satisfied with the cooperation. If you want a reliable and accurate engineer, I can recommend Carl at CAC”

Daniel Karlsson, Kungsleden AB

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House survey in Malmö, Lund and Skåne!

Överlåtelsebesiktning tak

What is a house inspection?
A house inspection is a thorough and systematic examination of a building and the ground nearby that may have technical significance for the building. The inspection is done to clarify a property’s physical condition and status in connection with a sale (a transfer of the property).

Why should a house be inspected?

The first thing to mention is that a house inspection is not a requirement to do, but because it creates great security for both the buyer and the seller, most people choose to buy a transfer inspection. Collecting information about the technical condition of the building is primarily a way for the buyer to ensure that he will be satisfied with his purchase. At the same time, it is a way of fulfilling part of the statutory inspection obligation that the buyer has according to the law “Jordabalken” Chapter 4, Section 19.

The house inspection thus reduces the risk of future disputes between buyers and sellers.

How is the house inspection carried out?

A house inspection with C.A.C is always performed by an approved inspector. To begin with, normaly we go through documentation of the property together, which the property owner reports and asks supplementary questions to the seller.

A visual inspection is then performed according to the SBR model, which means that the inspector examines all visible surfaces are available. The inspection includes all the building’s rooms, basement, attic, balcony, attached garage and roof. Facades and ground around the house are also checked. Where possible, the foundation is also checked.

The inspector makes accurate notes about his observations. The decisive factor for the inspection is the visual impression. This means that instruments and appliances are not used and that no physical interventions are made in the building like cutting inspection wholes.

The inspector also assesses whether there is a significant risk that the property may have significant deficiencies that were not visible during the visual inspection and any risks are clearly described in a risk analysis.

Finally, the inspector prepares a statement in the form of a written report, in which the property’s technical condition and risks are described in detail.

In the statement, the inspector can also suggest a so-called (Swedish) FTU – Fortsatt Teknisk Utredning translated ≈ Continued Technical Inquiry, regarding such conditions that could not be clarified. Such an investigation is not included in the inspection, but can be ordered separately. A prerequisite is that the property owner gives his express consent to the investigation.

Why is it important that the inspector is affiliated to SBR?

When you hire an inspector, you want to know that he has the right training and insurance to inspect your house. Hiring an inspector who is trained, tested and approved by SBR is as natural as choosing a plumber who is a member of ”Säker vatten” or a bathroom contractor who is approved to issue certificates for wet rooms.

The industry organizations of the Swedish construction industry have emerged as a reaction both from the industry itself, the insurance companies and not least the customers who have requested that there should be a good way to find companies that are of high quality and have skills that can be trusted.

Being an inspector via SBR is proof that the inspector has the right construction technical competence and is connected to the networks where further training takes place continuously.

It is not enough that the inspector claims that he has made many transfer inspections or is a member of SBR. Only one membership in SBR is not equivalent to being an approved inspector in SBR.

The inspector must therefore have the protected title “Av SBR godkänd besiktningsman”. (approved inspector SBR ). 

Then you know you are getting the right inspector.

What does approved inspector SBR mean?

It is a great responsibility that rests on the inspector when inspecting a house. SBR’s training and requirements for inspectors are specially developed and well adapted to what the assignment with house inspection entails.

As the inspector is a member of SBR’s group for house inspection, it is constantly informed about various events and experiences that occur in the industry and is therefore constantly updated through its network on the latest. The inspector also has an internal SBR network of specialists who are located throughout Sweden to turn to in difficult cases.

The well-proven working method with a clear structure and process used by SBR’s inspectors guarantees the quality of the inspection and the inspection report.

Every other year, SBR’s inspectors also participate in a two-day seminar for the exchange of experience.

SBR’s inspectors also have a specially adapted liability insurance for transfer inspection.

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What is not covered by the inspection?

Land that does not have an immediate connection to the buildings on the property is not included in the inspection. Facilities such as electricity, heating, water, sanitation, appliances, ventilation, chimneys or fireplaces are also not included. In addition, investigations that require intervention in the building are not included. Radon measurement, moisture measurement and oil tank inspection are examples of such investigations that are not included.

If the inspector sees something that looks obviously dangerous or incorrect, a comment will of course be made about this, but note that this is not included in the inspection and that several of the above areas above require special knowledge from experts in each area, like a chimney sweeper, electrician or plumber.

Who can perform a house inspection?

The law does not set any requirements on how a transfer inspection is to be carried out or the inspector’s professional competence, it is therefore important to be careful. There are many who perform transfer inspections without having been approved by SBR or having the documented training and competence required for such approval.

If you want to be sure that the inspection is performed by an SBR-approved inspector, the inspector must have the protected professional title ”Av SBR godkänd besiktningsman”. This means that the inspection is carried out in accordance with an inspection model established by SBR.

To be approved by SBR, the inspector must also be a engineer or equivalent and have undergone SBR’s special training for inspection.


What happens if the house does not meet your expectations?

When the buyer receives the inspection report, the buyer can decide to either buy the house on the condition that the seller requires, abstain from the purchase, ask to get a guarantee from the seller, enter into discussions on a decrease in the price or ask to undertake further deeper investigations.

Finally, you should get five good tips before buying a house or selling, directly from me.
Do not forget the following:


  1. Make sure that the inspector is an approved inspector by SBR. This must be clearly stated.

  2. Before you sign an inspection agreement, ask what is included in the inspection and what is not included. It is important that you know what is included. As a buyer, it can sometimes be wise, especially if it is an older house, to review the house’s electrical systems and fireplaces. In addition to the inspection of the building, it may therefore be a good idea to hire a chimney sweeper to inspect the chimney and have a qualified electrician check that the electricity is professionally installed.

  3. The inspection should generally be done before signing the house contract. If there is no time, you must ensure that there is a clause in the agreement that approves that the inspection is done afterwards and that you have the right to cancel the purchase if the inspections finds something that makes you not want to buy the house.

  4. The knowledge bank has a checklist of things that are good to check during a house tour or ask the real-estate agent about. The checklist can be found here.

  5. You have the great use of walking next to the inspector during the inspection. You get to know your future home and can note its strengths and weaknesses. Also pay attention to what is examined extra carefully and you will get a good insight into what you need to keep track of in the future. The inspection is carried out for you as a customer, so take the opportunity to ask the inspector many questions so that you understand what is being investigated and what is important for your house.

Do not hesitate to contact me if
you have any questions or want to
book your
next house inspection.

I’m here for you by helping
you make a better house purchase
and is happy to give you good advice.

Warm greetings


+46 (0) 73 – 80 60 330